Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting hit on after having kids

So I am fairly confident in my looks. I am in no way saying that I am perfect, I know there are areas that could use some improvement but I don't think I would be wrong in thinking that my looks are better than average. I begin this blog with this big ol' ego stroke for a reason. 4 years ago I did not find it surprising when I got hit on or if a fella was interested in me but now that I have children I am really quite surprised at it. I am not talking about the random gentleman at the store telling me I am pretty and asking for my number because he has no way of knowing that I am married and have children (I am not currently wearing my engagement ring because it got bent when I punched a baseball and I have not been able to get it fixed). I am talking about the guys that aggresively persue me even though they know that I am married and have two kids. I want to ask one of these guys exactly what the ideal situation for them would be. Would it be for me to carry on a secret affair and not only destroy my marriage but also the lives of my children? Or do they want me to leave my husband and let them be my baby's daddy? Just what is their intention? I use to work at a bookstore and there was one guy who really thru me for a loop. He and I began working together after I came back from maternity leave so there was no way he did not know I was married with children. At first he just flirted with me and we would talk on our breaks but then it started to get weird. He would say things like " its hard having kids, it puts alot of strain on your relationship so if you ever need to talk..." and " most people who get married young don't make it for the long haul." What?! It would be one thing if I had talked with this guy about marital problems but I hadn't. Adam and I were extremely happy (and still are) and we just had a beautiful baby girl so for this guy to say these things was bizarre and totally out of left field. Anyone else had this kind of experience? How to you react to the guys that completely disregard the fact that you are in a happy relationship?


  1. If you want me to bust some heads, you just let me know!

  2. Sounds like maybe you need to carry some mace in your pocket. I've never had the problem - too ugly I guess. But I married young and I'm still in it for the long haul and very happy for 35 years!

  3. I was at the beach with my brother-in-law's fam. This weird guy with his own kid and wife asked my sister-in-law and I to go get drinks. We had our husbands like 20 feet away with the kids...Crazy people. I just told him we don't drink and pulled my sister-in-law away. She had no idea how to react. Maybe if you get sassy and start talking how you love your husband so much and how you are so happy maybe that'll turn them off. good luck

  4. We married young, I was 19, Pa was 20. That was 57 years ago and we are still married and happy. Just be careful not to get sucked into any kind of relationship with any guy who is not your husband. It will ruin your life and he will probably run like crazy if you left your husband for him. Just tell him to get lost.
